Non Injury Falls Services
K4 Medical Services falls team, based in Hounslow, Middlesex, asses and then correclty lifts people from the floor with the correct equipment, for patients who have fallen at home or place of care in the West London Area.
Our response times reduce workload on the frontline ambulances, also reducing stress and negative outcomes for the patient being left on the floor for prolonged periods of time.
K4 Medical Services Falls Service offers ‘non injury fall lifting service’ for the West London area. Our trained medical crew will do a full set of observations, a falls assessment and then if safe to do so leave the patient at home, contacting any referral or suitable support services that may be needed.
This reduces the burden on the NHS for non-injury falls freeing up front line emergency ambulances. On acceptance of the call, our operations center will communicate with Ambulance Services if needed and inform them that we are on-route an leave at home or convey to hospital in one of our cars or one of our front-line ambulances.