
Occupational Road Risk Policy

Author:Jono Erodotou
Responsibility:All Staff
Effective Date:01 June 2024
Review Date:30th May 2025
Approved By:
Version Number:01
Amendment / Review History #

Introduction #

K4 Medical Services recognises that driving is the most hazardous task performed by our employees, especially in the act of driving under emergency conditions (blue light use). Legislation places a duty on the employer to provide a safe working environment and K4 Medical Services acknowledge our duty of care in regard to the management of occupational road risk. 

K4 Medical Services insist that it is a requirement for all staff to follow safe driving practices. This involves taking steps to ensure total concentration and safe operation of vehicles, for example; determining clear directions before departing, refraining from operating equipment such as hand held mobile phones while the vehicle is moving, and not operating a vehicle when the driver’s ability is impaired. Drivers are encouraged to follow defensive driving principles and have a responsibility to comply with legal driving regulations, Health and Safety legislation and the ‘Highway Code’ to reduce the risk of accidents occurring whilst at work. 

K4 Medical Services have issued written and practical instructions to personnel expected to drive as part of their duties and insist all employees adhere to these company guidelines to help minimise risk. 

Issues covered within the instruction include:

  • Employee responsibilities
  • Drinking and or drugs misuse whilst driving
  • Excessive speed
  • Use of mobile telephones
  • Recommended driving hours

K4 Medical Services strive to stay abreast of all developments; legal and best practise, and commit to informing all staff of any changes in company policy and legislation at the earliest opportunity. However, all employees as with all road users must ensure that they are aware of the current edition of the Highway Code and drive accordingly.

Guidance Notes #

Whilst driving on company business, K4 Medical Services staff are to comply with traffic legislation, be conscious of road safety and demonstrate safe driving at all times. Staff must never:

  • Drink alcohol or be under the influence of drugs whilst driving 
  • Drive while disqualified, or incorrectly licensed 
  • Fail to stop if involved in a Road Traffic Accident (RTA)

Employee / Contractors Responsibility #

Employees who drive on K4 Medical Services business must: 

  • Be in possession of (and carry) their driving licence and it must be appropriate for the category of vehicle which they are using 
  • Immediately inform their line manager if their driving licence has been revoked or has limitations (points) placed upon it 
  • Be responsible and accountable for their actions when driving at work
  • Wear seat belts at all times
  • Drive in accordance with the law 
  • Check all vehicles prior to the days work beginning (VDI)
  • Report all accidents or near miss incident to their line manager
  • Complete an accident report form for any accidents and report them to their line manager and police immediately (where reasonably practicable and safe to do so, within 24 hours regardless)
  • Take appropriate rest breaks  • Plan their journey
  • Stay overnight if other than under exceptional circumstances driving time exceeds 9 hours in one day. If for unavoidable reasons you have to drive over these limits (up to 10 hours maximum for 2 days of a 7 day week) considerable care must be taken to have regular breaks and avoid any risks of driving while tired 
  • Take a taxi, train or car (with a driver), if returning from a long haul flight 
  • Ensure that you are familiar with the vehicle that you are about to drive.

Training #

  • As a general rule K4 Medical Services will employ persons with the relevant qualifications when driving is a pre-requisite for the position. If an employee not qualified is subsequently required to drive any vehicle suitable training will be facilitated
  • Should a member of staff be assessed as having an unacceptable level of road risk K4 Medical Services will provide additional driver training

Responsibility as an Employer #

K4 Medical Services staff will not be required to drive under any conditions which are considered unsafe or are likely to create an unsafe environment.

We will do this by:

  • Ensuring that the vehicles supplied to staff are legal and fully serviced
  • Ensuring that any cars leased from a car hire company are well maintained and appropriate for the task
  • Ensuring that where additional training is required it will be facilitated
  • Ensuring that line managers are trained to manage work schedules and safe driving practices
  • Taking into account individual’s driving needs and experience
  • Maintaining ‘blameless’ collation of statistics on accidents and near miss incidents to ensure continuous improvement of development of K4 Medical Services occupational road risk strategy
  • Conducting regular review of policy and procedures to ensure the development and quality of the occupational road risk strategy. 

Procedures #

Mobile Phone Use
Employees are not to use mobile phones whilst in the act of driving at work. If a phone call must be made then the vehicle is to be parked in a safe convenient and legal position with the engine turned off prior to the call being made. 

Using a hands-free phone whilst driving, does not significantly reduce risk, but is legal under current legislation. For the purpose of K4 Medical Services the use of a ’hands free’ device is acceptable in extreme conditions. Personnel involved in an administrative role are not to call any K4 Medical Services personnel whom they know are potentially mobile in a company vehicle. Never accept calls, dial numbers or text while driving, even with a hands-free unit. 

Safe Speed

  • Obey speed limits at all times, unless driving under emergency conditions and you choose to use Blue Light User (BLU) exemptions to achieve your objective
  • Plan routine journeys so they can be completed expeditiously but at safe speeds and without exceeding speed limits
  • Report road safety problems, including crashes, incidents, fixed penalty notices, summons and convictions for any offence, including speeding, to their line manager. Failure to do so may invalidate TC fleet insurance
  • Present their licence, and any other documents required, for inspection on request
  • Co-operate with monitoring, reporting and investigation procedures

Drink and Drugs Whilst Driving

  • Never drive while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medicines
  • Be aware that prescription drugs or over-the-counter medicines can affect driving and can cause sleepiness. Inform your line manager if you feel unable to drive
  • Report drug and alcohol problems, including cautions, summons or convictions to your line manager

What to do if you have an accident or a near miss

Stop your vehicle at the scene or as close as is safe to do so, always ensure your safety first.
Complete the accident report form:

  • Details of other vehicle 
  • Name and address of other driver 
  • Name and address of any witnesses 
  • Name of insurer 
  • Description of incident 

Contact the police: 

  • If there are injuries 
  • There is a disagreement over the accident 
  • If you damage property other than your own 
  • If you feel unsafe 
  • To get the incident reference number 

Contact your Line Manager and Health and Safety Advisor:

  • Notify any/all injuries and vehicle damage sustained 

Recommended Driving Limits
In line with guidance from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency, daily driving hours must not exceed 9 hours. Driving hours can be extended to 10 hours but only on 2 days of a 7-day cycle (00:00 hrs Monday – 24:00 Sunday).

Drivers must take an immediate rest break when driving Maximum 4.5 hours and the rest break must be for at least a 45 minute break out of vehicle, unless they have stopped for a rest break earlier. Alternatively, a 45 minute rest break can be split up, but, the second break must be a minimum of 30 minutes.  Daily rest period is a minimum of 11 hours not driving or working

These are not absolute limits but guidelines, which you should not normally or regularly exceed. You should also consider working hours spent not driving and reduce driving hours accordingly

It should be remembered that the hours given here are a maximum and are given so that both TC and its employees stay within the law. Advice from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is that the nature of the work undertaken needs to be taken into account in determining what is reasonable in terms of driving and other work time. For example, they would view 5 hours total driving plus a full day’s work at an event (where you might reasonably be expected to employ a large amount of mental activity) as being excessive whereas a shorter event or attendance at a less mentally intensive event would be conducive to a longer overall driving time. There is no hard and fast rule and in essence the law requires risk assessment to be taken for each trip. In reality this means considering the purpose of the trip, the type of work, which will be undertaken, and the comfort of the driver in making any journey. Other factors that need to be taken into account are the likely weather and traffic conditions

The golden rule should be: “Always plan ahead and, if in doubt, discuss with your line manager and health and safety advisor. TC does not expect you to drive unsafely or for uncomfortable distances or duration”

Staff must be aware that in considering/planning the journey to be undertaken they are essentially conducting their own risk assessment for that journey and should consider all aspects including time of day, distance to travel, route to follow and prevailing weather conditions. Staff are to satisfy themselves that they are fully prepared for the journey in hand.

Vehicle Daily Inspection (VDI) #

Online Form

Driver Accident Report Form #

Packs found in vehicles

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