
Environment Policy

Author:Jono Erodotou
Responsibility:All Staff
Effective Date:01 June 2024
Review Date:30th May 2025
Approved By:
Version Number:01
Amendment / Review History #

Introduction #

K4 Medical Services are committed to protecting human health and the environment. This commitment is central in all K4 Medical Services do and is reflected in the services K4 Medical Services provide to customers, stakeholders, the design and operation of our facilities, the conditions under which contractors work and interactions with local communities. K4 Medical Services believe in being responsible for the environment and protecting the health and well-being of contractors, customers, stakeholders and neighbours. The following principles are applicable to the organisational operations throughout K4 Medical Services:

  • Sustainability – K4 Medical Services aim to conduct all operations in a manner that is environmentally sustainable and that protects contractors, neighbours and customers. KK4 Medical Services proactively work to implement procedures and programs to minimise energy usage, waste production and environmental impact.
  • Compliance – K4 Medical Services comply with all legal requirements and proactively implement programs and procedures to ensure compliance
  • Conservation – K4 Medical Services encourages and promote the conservation of nature and the earth’s natural resources throughout the organisation. In particular, K4 Medical Services work towards efficient energy management and resource use within the premises and the use of vehicles through our fleet management process
  • Communication – K4 Medical Services aim to effectively communicate their environmental commitments to all contractors, each of whom is responsible for helping the organisation to identify and remedy possible breaches of regulations. Contractors and volunteers within the counties report any such issues to their local management.

Environmental goals and objectives are being established as appropriate to the organisation, by the K4 Medical Services Management Team.

The operational performance is regularly monitored and measured through the national audit process and the Management Team make regular recommendations about programs to assist in the continuous evaluation and improvement of the environmental performance of K4 Medical Services.

K4 Medical Services aims to regularly communicate its commitment to and strategy on sound environmental practices to every stakeholder, customer, and contractors through its Code of conduct for environmental practices. Environmental management is one of the stated core competencies.

Code of Conduct for Environmental Practices #

K4 Medical Services are committed to conducting business in a manner which respects, preserves and maintains the environment. To do this K4 Medical Services:

  • Conduct their services in an environmentally responsible manner
  • Use energy wisely and constantly aim to improve the energy efficiency of their operations
  • Comply with all United Kingdom environmental laws, regulations, policies and best practice industry standards
  • Use technologies and operating procedures designed to minimise environmental impact
  • Encourage contractors and members to report any practice or situation that may be contrary to their Environmental policy, or may put at risk their commitment to sustainability, and provide a confidential means for them to do so.

Energy Management #

Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.  This in turn contributes to global warming, so it is important to be as energy efficient as possible to help to minimise the impact on the environment. K4 Medical Services encourages contractors to conserve energy, both at work and at home.

Potentially wasteful processes are highlighted to ensure that staff adopts responsible working practices.

Transport #

Motorised transport uses fossil fuel which causes pollution that damages the environment by contributing to global warming and reducing air quality.  K4 Medical Services does the following to minimise the pollution caused by transport:

  • Encourage awareness of the damage caused to the environment by excessive use of cars 
  • Walk, cycle or use public transport instead of driving whenever this is practical 
  • Encourage car sharing when driving is necessary 
  • Where possible communicate by e-mail, telephone or fax to minimise the number of journeys made 

Waste Management #

The reduction of waste reduces usage of valuable resources. We can all reduce waste by reusing, recycling and cutting down on packaging with K4 Medical Services. We can also ensure that the waste we do produce is disposed of in ways that do not damage the environment. K4 Medical Services aim to achieve good waste management by reducing the quantity of waste we produce, by reusing, repairing and recycling whenever possible.  Serviceable equipment and/or furniture that are no longer required are offered to other organisations or charities. Disposal is a last resort when reuse is not a practical option. Confidential waste paper needs to be shredded. Non-confidential waste paper is recycled Compost able waste is also dealt with separately, thus reducing the amount of co-mingled waste produced.

Environmental Health and Safety at Work #

A healthy working environment is essential to allow contractors to maintain good health and quality of life. To ensure good working conditions K4 Medical Services keep to the Health and Safety at work regulations and enforce a no-smoking policy in our offices.

Purchasing #

Using less of everything and buying long lasting and environmentally friendly products are effective ways of protecting the environment. K4 Medical Services aim to achieve this by wherever possible buying products that do not consume a lot of energy in their manufacture or use and cause as little damage to the environment as possible when disposed of. Examples of the ways in which we do this are as follows:

  • Use local products and services if possible 
  • Choose energy efficient office equipment 
  • Buy products that were not made with and do not contain chemicals that damage the ozone layer 
  • Develop solutions which reduce the amount of paper (and printer consumables) required for business processes and administration 
  • Use recycled and unbleached paper and card and use scrap paper where possible to reduce waste 
  • Use recycled office equipment (e.g. printer cartridges) whenever we can 
  • Purchasing fairly traded and or seasonal/local products for staff welfare (tea, coffee, fresh fruit)

Suppliers #

In order to reduce environmental impact as much as possible, it is necessary to source suppliers who demonstrate environmental awareness. Wherever possible, we look for the following in our suppliers.

  • Certification to (or working towards) ISO 14001 
  • A proactive environmental policy 
  • Use of recycled materials and/or products which have a low environmental impact 
  • Local suppliers – to minimise the distance that any goods or materials are transported 

The above policy is reviewed regularly to ensure continuous improvement

These procedures will be reviewed annually or in the light of a change in the legislation.

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