- Amendment / Review History
- Introduction
- Purpose
- Scope
- Definitions
- Induction
- Mandatory Training
- Practical Training
- E-learning Courses
- Role Specific Training
- Driving Assessment
- Training Recording & Documentation
- Continuing Professional Development
- Non-Compliance
- Training Requirements
- Process for Monitoring Compliance with this Procedure
Author: | Jono Erodotou |
Responsibility: | All Staff |
Effective Date: | 01 June 2024 |
Review Date: | 30th May 2025 |
Approved By: | |
Version Number: | 01 |
Amendment / Review History #
Date | Author | Comments |
Introduction #
K4 Medical Services is committed to delivering high quality and safe standards of care and education.
To provide assurance that its service is effective, safe and will ensure that it has a workforce that is competent and capable
Purpose #
The purpose of this procedure is to set out the service required standards for induction, appraisal, mandatory training and continuing professional development.
Scope #
This procedure applies to all Staff/Contractors by K4 Medical Services.
Definitions #
Registered Manager
Has overall responsibility for the implementation of this procedure.
Ops Manager
Is responsible for the operational management and oversight of all aspects of this procedure. They will also ensure that the Registered Manager is provided with timely and accurate information about mandatory training requirements and compliance.
They will ensure that all staff complete on-line mandatory training programmes and that they will stay compliant with the required standards.
The Base Manager/Operations Supervisors will ensure that staff have a timely and well-planned appraisal discussion each year and that planned development is identified at this point. It should be noted that development should not be exclusively agreed during the appraisal cycle and that it can happen at any point and ideally should be discussed through on-going supervision/one to one arrangement.
Staff are required to comply with all the requirements set out in this procedure.
Induction #
Following appointment, it is important to ensure that all new starters are provided with an appropriate and comprehensive induction which covers the rules, processes, procedures and gives an individual an overview of how the service operates.
All Ambulance Care Assistants will undertake on the road training with experienced staff until they are 100% competent and confident to deliver the outstanding service we provide.
Once a recruitment process has concluded the line manager will complete a local induction checklist with the new member of staff no later than two weeks after the individual has started work.
All training, both mandatory and voluntary is entered onto the employees training file with expiry dates, so refresher courses are taken on time. The training manager will send an email to employees and managers when courses are expiring within 30 days.
Training is monitored by K4 Medical Services qualified trainer who will ensure all files are up to date with new and old training regulations required.
Many courses are available on the online training platform. All employees are provided with an online login and have access to a wide range of voluntary courses to improve their learning and understanding.
On successful completion of training, all employees will receive a certificate, which will be placed in their file.
Mandatory Training #
Training that applies to all staff/Contractors which are listed below. These will be delivered during the induction by reading, discussing and online learning.
- Policy & Procedures
- Duty of Candour
- Health & Safety
- Infection Control
- Safeguarding Adults Level 2
- Safeguarding Children Level 2
- Moving & Handling of People
- Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Information Governance
- Manual Handling
- Fire Safety
- Infection Control
- Conflict Management
- Prevent
Practical Training #
Training that applies to staff/Contractors, which are listed below. These will be delivered during the induction also by visual on the job training.
Moving and Handling of Patients
– Correct handling of wheelchair patients
– How to support wheelchair required patients safely and correctly
– Support of walker patients most of whom require assistance
– Fall Prevention Awareness
– Use of stretcher and winch o Use of carry chair
Fleet and Driving
– Show the different vehicles we operate
– How to complete daily checklists
– Accident and Incident Reporting
– Sanitising and Cleaning a Vehicle
– Onboard Equipment and Safe Usage
– Driving Assessment o Display Screen Equipment
– How to source information if required
– System Usage (Jotform)
– Classification of Mobility
– Safe Collection and Drop Off of Patients
– Allowance and Refusal of Escorts
– Potential Emergencies (what to be aware of)
– DNACPR Patients (Policy)
E-learning Courses #
(*Must be completed within 6 months of service)
– Customer Care*
– Dementia Awareness*
– Challenging Behaviour*
– Autism Awareness*
– Disability Awareness*
– Epilepsy Awareness*
– Diabetes Awareness*
– Learning Disability Awareness*
– Duty of Candour
– Health & Safety
– Infection Control
– Safeguarding Adults Level 2
– Safeguarding Children Level 2
– Moving & Handling of People
– Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
– Information Governance
– Manual Handling
– Fire Safety
– Infection Control
– Prevent
Role Specific Training #
Where a role is required to undertake specialised or specific training to maintain competence, the Manager will coordinate with subject matter experts, time slots and venues to deliver the training.
Driving Assessment #
All operational staff will have their driving skills assessed every 2 years. This will be on the vehicle type that you use. This will be conducted by a suitably qualified member of the K4 Medical Services staff/contractors, such as the Ops Manager.
Staff/contractors must reach the standard required and retraining will be provided if staff do not meet this.
If staff/contractors are involved in a serious driving incident, or a number of minor incidents, they will be reassessed as above.
We must do all we can to ensure the safety of patients, staff/contractors and the public. Upholding high standards of vehicle control is a key element of this.
Training Recording & Documentation #
Prior to a new starter commencing in post, K4 Medical Services can use a valid 3-year First Aid Level 3 Certificate or FREC 3 for the employee gained from previous training.
There are standard forms for the K4 Medical Services appraisal process.
Appraisal and personal development planning.
There is a lot of evidence which demonstrates that organisations that have a robust performance appraisal process deliver high quality and safe care. K4 Medical Services has an established appraisal process which runs on annual cycle. The exact timings of each cycle will be determined by the management team.
It is a mandatory requirement that all staff have both objectives and a personal development plan. Where a member of staff starts within the organisation it is a mandatory requirement that they have an initial development conversation with their line manager within 6 months after they commence to agree objectives and a personal development plan which will then be reviewed on the next appraisal cycle.
Continuing Professional Development #
The Registered Manager/Clinical Manager is responsible for providing a range of education, learning and development that supports personal and professional development. Following each appraisal cycle the training manager undertakes a learning needs analysis using information from the personal development plans and then commissions a range of courses based on the organisational need. Prior to commissioning, the plan is agreed by the Management Team or an appropriate person that it delegates this responsibility to.
Non-Compliance #
Where a member of staff/Contractors becomes non-compliant across any of the mandatory training requirements, a verbal warning will be given allowing them one weeks’ notice to complete the outstanding training requirements and failure to do so will result in the following sanctions:
▸ Failure to become compliant within one week will result in the matter being handled through the formal stage of AFJ’s disciplinary procedure; and
▸ The member of staff’s IT access will be suspended.
Training Requirements #
There are no specific training requirements for the application of this procedure. Where managers are unclear around any aspect then they should seek advice and guidance from the Ops Manager.
Process for Monitoring Compliance with this Procedure #
K4 Medical Services will use a variety of methods to monitor compliance with the processes in this document, including the following methods: